Reading is so much fun together!
Instead of turning on the TV tonight, I suggest you take a book, let your child or children take their book, sit down in the living room together, and read quietly for 45 minutes. After time is up, each of you should share what you just read.
If you start doing this at least once a week, then gradually increase your reading time together to at least 3 times per week, I guarantee you that you will raise super-successful children and create a strong parent-child bond. And by super-successful children I do not necessarily mean children who create multimillion or multibillion-dollar companies or who invent the next great thing. I mean wholesome, well-balanced empathetic children that will make this planet a better place to live on for their future and future generations. Changing the world, often begins by changing the community you live in. Study after study confirms that reading strengthens your children's social, emotional, and character development. Recent studies revealed that reading to your child is linked to decreased levels of aggression, hyperactivity, and attention difficulties.
Our world has turned far too belligerent, and I attribute this to violent video games, violent movies and to a certain extent also the inadequate, sensationalist media has caused this downward shift in consciousness.
What we need are more compassionate human beings and reading to and reading with your children helps them to better understand humanity and the world around them.
Reading has clear cognitive benefits – something that has been lost by enlarge today and I wrote about my observations and concerns it in previous blog posts.
So please, I would encourage you to make reading a fun time in your household at any possible occasion.
Follow my hashtag #ReadToKids on social media