Why we all should smile more often
Did you know that children smile an average of 400 times per day, compared to the average happy adult, who smiles 40-50 times per day, and the typical adult who smiles only 20 times per day?
Whether you call it a grin, smirk, beam or smile, there is no denying the feel-good power of this happy facial expression. We are born with the ability to smile, yet as we age, we smile less often.
There are 43 muscles in the face, most of which are controlled by the cranial nerve (facial nerve). Seventeen of those muscles are used when you smile, and 43 of them are working when you frown.
You are using 30 muscles when you laugh!
Did you know that you burn more calories by smiling rather than frowning?
According to a WebMD study, laughter, which often starts with a smile, increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, which improves your resistance to illnesses. That is right, smiling or laughing activates and relieves your stress response.
Studies have shown that smiling boosts levels of serotonin, releases endorphins (which are natural painkillers) - even when the smile is forced. These three neurotransmitters make us feel great! Serotonin is our natural stress reducer in the brain. It can reduce stress, help heart health, lower blood pressure, reduces physical pain and boost our immune system by decreasing cortisol in the body. A simple smile, genuine or even forced, prompts the brain to produce endorphins and serotonin, causing positive emotions.
Smiling is a natural drug!
And how does your smile affect those around you?
Interestingly, one study published in Neuropsychologia, a medical journal, indicated that smiling activates the part of your brain that processes sensory rewards. So, when you smile at someone, they feel rewarded (and vice versa). Additionally, smiling is contagious.
So, smile at your kids, parents, friends, co-workers, and strangers often, you may live a happier, longer life.
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Start spreading kindness and happiness around you today by simply smiling.