How to improve communication skills in your child

Reading aloud to your child, and when she is capable, having her read out loud to you, in combination with developing writing skills are vital to your child's education. They will boost her oral language skills, which in turn will increase her confidence with words and expand her vocabulary.

It is crucial that you nurture her communication skills so that she can express herself.

Reading to her aloud develops her listening and language skills, improves concentration, improves memory, exercises her brain, boost critical thinking skills, develops empathy, and enhances her imagination. Also be a good role model. Let your child finish talking and then respond – no matter which age she is. Use language and ideas that your child will understand and match her age and ability. Make any instructions and requests simple and clear. Respond to your baby's gestures, looks and sounds, and as she matures, talk with, and listen to her and always respect her feelings.

When you read out loud to her, try to act out the different characters in the book, by giving them different voices and demeanor reflected in your facial expressions - a great way of teaching her about non-verbal communication.

Never over-correct your child, turn off the TV, always ask open-ended questions, discuss the content of the book you just read to her.

Make a difference to her literacy success from today on forward, by committing to read at least 5 books a day to her.

Follow my hashtag #ReadToKids on social media.

Susan Marie Chapman on How to improve communication skills in your child

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