Teenagers who read get ahead in life

I passionately believe that teens who read a lot are predestined for success!

A teen who reads every day, will do better in school, have a greater vocabulary, a better reading and comprehension ability, do well in problem solving and apply critical thinking.

A teen who reads will do well at the verbal section of the college admission test - as no other activity builds the vocabulary needed.

How do you get a teenager to read? It begins with you! You can never start early enough to read out loud to your baby and gently embed a lifelong love for reading and learning.

According to Stanford graduate and psychology expert Nir Eyal there will be two kinds of people in the world: “Those who let their attention and lives be controlled and coerced by others and those who proudly call themselves “indistractable”.

“Becoming indistractable is the most important skill for the 21st century — and it is one that many parents fail to teach their kids”, he further remarks.

How do you become indistractable? Well reading to your child and therefore raising a child who is fond of reading plays a major role in becoming indistractable. If you want your child to succeed in the 21st century and get ahead in life, read multiple books a day to her.

You may start here, by ordering my latest children’s book. Click here: Two If By Sea

Reading aloud is powerful. Follow my hashtag #ReadToKids on social media.

How to raise an indistractable child?

How to raise an indistractable child?


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