The importance of reading to kids - daily

I am passionate about writing simple, relatable stories for children with a little contemporary message. I always loved to write as far back as I can remember. However, equally important to writing, is reading; reading aloud when you are a child and even as an adult is so valuable, we should make the concerted effort to read out loud every single day.

Children learn to love the sound of language before they even realize the existence of printed words on a page. I vividly remember those precious moments, when my children were staring at the movements of my lips, whilst in my arms, or me leaning over their crib or when sitting next to me in the armchair. I developed this unbreakable bond with my children that is still strong and invaluable today.

At any age, reading books aloud to children stimulates their brains, their imagination, it builds vocabulary and expands their understanding of the world, thus encouraging empathy. It helps them develop language and listening skills and prepares them for reading comprehension.

Reading aloud to children is important for their cognitive development, their overall well-being, and even mental health.

By far, the most successful people in life, and by successful, I mean being abundantly happy with oneself, are those of us who have a large vocabulary. Not only is it important for scoring high on the SAT, getting into a better college, having more plentiful job opportunities - but aside from all that, the happiest people I have encountered are those that can tell stories, share their experiences and captivate an audience with their words. Having a good vocabulary simply gets you further in life.

In the Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, a study was published finding that parents who read to their kids daily, at least five books, send their 5-year-old off to kindergarten or school with having heard at least 1.4 million words. And even if you only read one book a day to your child, she heard at least 290,000 vocabulary words.

Children who have never been read to go to school with having heard only 4,662 words.

Reading to kids is so important and will make all the difference in their lives. As a parent it is your responsibility to create the best possible future for you child, therefore I urge you: Read to your kids. Daily. Multiple books.

Hold them tight and watch them absorb your sounds and glare at movements of your lips.

Follow my hashtag #ReadToKids

Build this important bond between you and your kids by reading out lot to them daily. The future will thank you.

Build this important bond between you and your kids by reading out lot to them daily. The future will thank you.


Readers are smarter


Reading to children